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By choosing Profecta as your label supplier, you have access to the best of both worlds in label printing technology – flexography and digital printing. You then decide what best suits your needs.
We can print on almost any type of self-adhesive or non-adhesive materials such as: paper, polyester, vinyl, thermal, polypropylene, aluminum, bag, plastic, Kimdura, Tyvek, as well as a wide variety of customized materials.
Cutting: Operation where the self-adhesive material is transformed into the desired shape using a die. Most self-adhesive labels must be cut, as part of the manufacturing process and product finishing. Considering the type of label, printing requirements and cutting form, the operation can be done using flexible or solid dies (metal cylinder).
Direct thermal is a material coated with a layer that reacts to heat. Once heated, the print head reacts the solvents and the dye contained in this layer of the material and thus forms the image. Direct thermal is more expensive than thermal transfer, requires no ribbon and has a shorter life span than TT. A thermal transfer material creates its impression using a thermal ribbon. The heat of the print head causes the ribbon to react and fuse the print on the material.
Need ideas or advice for your project? Give us a challenge. It will be our pleasure to demonstrate our know-how to you.